Manage Recipients

A recipient is someone within a supplier's company who will be emailed an invitation requesting them to complete the Modern Slavery Assessment. For suppliers with an  Invited status, you can:

  • View the status of an existing recipient
  • Add a recipient 
  • Cancel an invitation for an existing recipient
  • Resend an invitation to an existing recipient 

Viewing the status of an existing recipient

Step 1: Enter your credentials and click 'LOG IN'
Step 2: Click 'Supplier Assessments', then click 'Modern Slavery Assessment'
Step 3: Click 'Suppliers'
Step 4: Click on the Invited supplier to view the recipient's status

Note: Use the search filters appearing at the top of the Suppliers list to find the supplier quickly.
You will be redirected to the Overview page, where the status of existing recipients will be displayed within the Recipients section.

Adding a recipient

The + Add recipient feature is used when an invitation is to be sent to multiple people within the supplier's company. Adding multiple recipients to a supplier increases the prospect of the Modern Slavery Assessment being completed promptly.  
Note: A maximum of 10 recipients can be added for each invited supplier.

Once a  supplier has accepted an invitation and registered an account, they become the owner of that account and its data, so only a user of that account has the authority to add other users to the account. The supplier account owner can invite a colleague to help with the Modern Slavery Assessment via Add a Team Member.

If the  client decides that the original recipient is no longer the appropriate person to complete the Modern Slavery Assessment, the client can create a new supplier via Add a Supplier and invite a new recipient. Once the assessment has been completed by the supplier (attached to the new recipient), we recommend cancelling the first supplier account.

Step 1: Click '+Add recipient', then enter a valid email ID - click 'Save'

Each recipient is initially emailed an invitation, and then reminder email notifications to complete the Modern Slavery Assessment. 

Cancelling an invitation for an existing recipient

The Cancel invitation feature is used when you wish to remove access to the Modern Slavery Assessment for a particular recipient.  When cancelling an invitation for a recipient, the invitation remains valid for the remaining recipients of the supplier.

If you no longer require a supplier company to complete the assessment, use the Cancel a Supplier Assessment feature.

Step 1: Within the Recipients section, click the Actions icon and then click 'Cancel invitation'

The recipient's status will update to  Cancelled.

Re-sending an invitation to an existing recipient

The Resend invitation feature is used to send the original invitation to the recipient, when the recipient cannot locate the invitation in their inbox, or may have inadvertently deleted it.

Step 1: Within the Recipients section, click the Actions icon and then click 'Resend invitation' 

The invitation will be emailed to the recipient.

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