Cancel a Supplier Assessment
A supplier is an organisation or person that provides a product or service to the client and is required to complete a Modern Slavery Assessment. If a supplier is no longer required to complete the Modern Slavery Assessment, use the Cancel assessment request feature to remove the assessment request.
- A supplier has inadvertently been invited multiple times and the duplicate Supplier's status is In Progress, or Current indicating that one of the invitations has been actioned.
- A supplier is no longer engaged with the client.
Cancelling a Supplier Assessment
Step 1: Enter your credentials and click 'LOG IN'
Step 2: Click 'Supplier Assessments', then click 'Modern Slavery Assessment'
Step 3: Click 'Suppliers'
Step 4: Click the supplier whose assessment is to be cancelled
You will be redirected to the Overview page.
Note: Use the search filters appearing at the top of the suppliers list to find the supplier quickly.
Step 5: Click 'Actions', then click 'Cancel assessment request'
Step 6: Click 'CANCEL REQUEST' when prompted
The Assessment details will display a status of Cancelled.
Viewing a Cancelled Supplier
To view the suppliers whose modern slavery assessment requests have been cancelled, use the search filters appearing at the top of the Suppliers list and filter by: Status is Cancelled.
Note: To cancel an invitation sent to an existing recipient, please use the Cancel invitation feature. For more information, refer: Manage recipients.