Cancel a Supplier Assessment

A supplier is an organisation or person that provides a product or service to the client and is required to complete a Modern Slavery Assessment. If a supplier is no longer required to complete the Modern Slavery Assessment, use the Cancel assessment request feature to remove the assessment request.

The Cancel assessment request feature can be used when:
  • A supplier has inadvertently been invited multiple times and the duplicate Supplier's status is In Progress, or Current indicating that one of the invitations has been actioned. 
  • A supplier is no longer engaged with the client.

Cancelling a Supplier Assessment

Step 1: Enter your credentials and click 'LOG IN'
Step 2: Click 'Supplier Assessments', then click 'Modern Slavery Assessment'

Step 3: Click 'Suppliers'

Step 4: Click the supplier whose assessment is to be cancelled

You will be redirected to the Overview page.
Note: Use the search filters appearing at the top of the suppliers list to find the supplier quickly.

Step 5: Click 'Actions', then click 'Cancel assessment request'

Step 6: Click 'CANCEL REQUEST' when prompted

The Assessment details will display a status of Cancelled.

Viewing a Cancelled Supplier

To view the suppliers whose modern slavery assessment requests have been cancelled, use the search filters appearing at the top of the Suppliers list and filter by: Status is Cancelled.

Note: To cancel an invitation sent to an existing recipient, please use the Cancel invitation feature. For more information, refer: Manage recipients.

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